Woodenboat show PS1

11/14/21 – Weekend of progress


Saturday was spent finishing up the inner glass application for the lower hull, particularly in that cramped bow section. I still have a few areas for more epoxy coats but wanted to wait until I got to the cleat installs.

Glass as far as the eye can see, at least 15 feet worth. 😉
Epoxy starting to coat the bulkheads and an extra blend coat on the already glassed upper panel
It’s really nice to see this part of the build wrapping up

I did a few extra coats of epoxy with fast hardener before calling it a night.


I started out Sunday early with a few extra coats of epoxy in the bow compartment and added the last tape for reinforcement. It was time to start rounding over the cleats and cutting them to size.

It was sunny enough I rolled the work table out with the router on it and got to work.

Let’s start the cleats with the centerboard since I’ve had them cut out for several weeks now.
A side view of the centerboard cleats with two scraps to maintain clearance in the box while epoxy cures and I add more clamps.
#7 cleats starting to get trimmed and clamped in place
The cleat process continues. I decided to miter the corner joints since I had rounded the sticks on the router table and a regular butt joint does not look good.
View from the side, nothing has been epoxied yet.
It’s starting to get complicated but I want to ensure all of the cleats are level and correct locations are projected.
Another angle
The last picture for the day. I had glued everything up after dinner and pulled the tape. The longitudinal cleats for the floor support have been removed until I get the floor and painting completed. I’ll grab a pic once I remove all the clamps and screws in the morning

It really feels like progress this weekend and I am happy to be making sawdust instead of just fiberglass and epoxy dust.

I did grab a pic after the clamps were removed and put some of the pieces back temporarily.

Enjoying the view of the wood since I’ll be painting it soon.

Made a mistake

I was so focused on the forward floor support areas I spanned the space for the rear section on the transom. I was called out on it on the PocketShip forum and immediately went to resolve that issue. I wanted to get more stuff done for the day and rushed when the mind was not fresh. A quick round with a Japanese pull saw and a sharp chisel with mallet took care of my mistake. There will be a little sanding of the epoxy and a quick touch up coat but no wood was damaged.

Being able to quickly fix mistakes is really one of the reasons I love working with wood. It is really easy to add or subtract as necessary, particularly before it is encased in epoxy.


I mention beer brewing quite often as either a delay in my work progress. Our lovely neighbors gifted me with a custom tap this evening. The tap is now designated for my Mocha stout as that was one of my first fully custom recipes. It is wood which works well with the entire theme of the year. I will have to commission a custom tap in the shape of the PocketShip and create a new brew to go with it for launch.

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3 years ago

Checking to see if your comments work now!

Looking good so far!

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