Woodenboat show PS1

11/27/21 – Prepped for paint

Final epoxy coats

I got around to the sanding to fair the inside surfaces after the holiday visits spun down. Working around the floors again I took a Dremel with an extension cable to round the openings for the lumber holes and smooth the transitions. The key is to think like water and travel to low spots and take curves, not sharp angles.  I went back with un-thickened epoxy to ensure I didn’t open any areas to wood grain.

Coats of epoxy on the sides stopped short since more will be applied when the upper hull is joined.

All of the wood cleats have been sealed with epoxy at this point

Sole part two

I decided that I had enjoyed the process of laying out the sole enough to continue ahead of bulkhead 2. I took advantage of the epoxy cure times to start this part. This solves two things, the first being the need for a stable platform for the battery, and the second to keep stored things out of potential moisture while providing sufficient airflow. It also has the benefit of visually carrying the sole lines forward and covers and protects the drain plug. The floor is easily removed.

Rough layout of the boards. Yes #2 still has more epoxy application to go.
A bit of fairing the curve to go. I also cut out an additional floor support between the two cleats. You can also see my deck plates have started to arrive.

The second support is attached to the sole, not the hull, allowing access to the drain plug.  The floor fits through the large opening allowing full access. I will smooth and blend the curve on the pieces with a sander before removing them to take them to the router table.

The four empty screw holes will have snipped bronze screws added at assembly time since there is no wood for them to screw into other than the hull panel, producing unplanned holes and leaks. I also sacrificed the 1/8 inch spacing on the outer pieces since the can just rest on the cleats that way.

First paint!

It seemed like I was taking forever to get to this point. I finally gathered the paint supplies and decided I would start aft and practice before the main cabin areas. I did my final sand before paint application.

A few areas where you can still see dots of shiny were hand sanded
The surfaces were wiped down with denatured alcohol and a strip of blue tape added around the top edge. My plan is to brush the seams first and come back with a small roller.
First coat of paint is on.
Second coat of paint applied
I feel that I may have over prepared the area. The more that paint goes on the more it starts to look like a gelcoated fiberglass hull. The green you see forward is Totalfair compound. I’m not taking any chances in smoothness there. I am completely expecting most of it to sand away.

Moving forward

I have another two coats in the aft compartment to go but decided to get some paint started on the sides.

Fairing compound curing before I had started sanding the rear compartment for paint.
As the compound cures it becomes a lighter green. This stuff is awesome. If I was leaving the sides bright I couldn’t use it but this saves another full coat of mixed epoxy to get those last low spots.
First coat on. I moved the tape line up since I know how wide the fiberglass tape is and am comfortable feathering.

I need to brew beer again so this Sunday will be focused on that. I will be able to how the paint cures and estimate how long I need to wait before sanding for final coats. I’m obviously going to need to do quite a bit of brush work around the floors before rollering.

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